It is 4-40pm, the rain is very heavy, thunder is rolling around the hills and all those who were going to bowl, have wisely stayed at home.
So let’s remember yesterday, we had several visitors to the club, it is rare especially when everything has to be booked to have the public playing, but below is a photo of 4 very happy Bowlers, who, after being away from the game for over 4 months came up and had a couple of hours bowling, this year we have had several visitors to our club, which is very satisfying.

Also on the rinks was a young lady called Arden, only 10 years old, after a few ends she was able to reach the ditch and produced some good shots that any bowler would have been proud of, see below.

So if you feel like a roll – up just send an email via our contact us page and for only £5 you can have 2 hours of bowling (£10, if we provide the bowls)
Everything is sanitised and hand gel is available, all you need is flat shoes