L to R. Karen Varney, Yvonne McColl and Mayumi Lewis
L to R. Yvonne McColl, Ann Burke and Sue Pitman
L to R. Paul Mackie, Ian Gregory, Dave Johns and Barry Wicks
L to R. Barry Wicks, Ian Gregory, Barry Kennedy and Allan Nuttall
L to R. Derek Nicholson, Angela Candy, Dave Davies, Barry Wicks, Yvonne McColl and Dave Johns
L to R. Mark Richardson, Martin Summers, Roy Jennings and Ian Gregory
L to R. Paul Mackie, Ian Gregory, Mark Richardson and Martin Summers
L to R. Ian Gregory, camera shy Dave Gregory and Paul Mackie
L to R. Paul Mackie, Ian Gregory, Angela Candy and Derek Nicholson
L to R. Dave Johns, Barry Wicks, Ann Chatwin and Ley Hulme
L to R. Barry Wicks, Josie Campbell, Dave Johns, Ian Gregory, Yvonne McColl and Roy Jennings
L to R. Sue Pitman, Yvonne McColl, Karen Varney, Ann Burke, Josie Campbell and Ann Chatwin
L to R. Dave Gregory and Dave Johns
L to R. Dave Johns and Martin Summers
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