Having now received all the documentation, we can now confirm that with effect 30th March 2020 Calne Bowls Club has become a Private Limited Company by guarantee, with Barry W as a Director and Stuart as Company Secretary, all members have been informed and also told the reasoning behind the change, namely that it was needed to allow the Calne Town Council to grant us the lease for the Bowls Club and enable it to grow.
With regard to the running of the club, nothing changes as the Articles of Association allow the Directors to delegate the responsibility of running the club to the current committee.
In these times of difficulty a good news story is always welcome and the Club is now on a firmer funding for an exciting future.
To all those who are reading this, we hope that you are keeping well and always remember we are just not a club but a family who will support each other when needed.
KEEP SAFE, see you on the green eventually.