Category: <span>Bowling</span>

Club Opening – Gazette and Herald 4th June 2020

Due to B.E. restrictions only 6 people are allowed in the club at any one time, normally there would be club members and visitors, unfortunately we had to make do with 6 of the committee, Jan Payne, Ladies Secretary is self isolating and was unable to attend.

Below this is the article from the Gazette and Herald.

Barry Wicks Chairman, delivers the first wood.
L to R 
Josie Campbell, Treasurer, Yvonne McColl, Ladies Captain, Martin Grugeon, Maintenance Manager, Paul Mackie, Club Captain and Stuart Beard, Club Secretary.

Calne Bowls Club re-opens its green on Saturday for members to get some practice

By John Baker Reporter

MEMBERS of Calne Bowls Club are looking forward to getting some competitive games played in August and September after re-opening on Saturday May 30 following the Covid-19 coronavirus lockdown.

After restrictions were lifted on sports activities such as bowls, golf and tennis, club chairman Barry Wicks bowled the first wood for the green opening ceremony, with onlookers outside the gates showing their appreciation.

For the next few weeks, until the coronavirus lockdown is completely lifted, the club will use the green for its 55 members to get some social bowling practice.

Following the success of 2019, when the club’s membership increased and promotion was achieved in the Men’s White Horse League, as well as narrowly missing promotion in the Mid Wilts Triples League, the club was looking forward to building on this success.

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, it has had to cancel its open days for now and postponed the usual club green opening ceremony until Saturday May 30.

Mr Wicks said: “The green is in its best condition for several years, despite the dry weather, and was bowling very well so it was disappointing not to be playing matches in the leagues.

“I would like to thank the members that have put so much work into getting the club ready for the opening.”

Mr Wicks said bowls is still a great way to exercise and meet people, adding “the previous image of old men in blazers has now been all but banished, with a variety of ages and abilities welcome.

“We are open to both club members and the public but, currently, there are restrictions issued by Bowls England on the total number of bowlers allowed on the green, so a booking system is in place.

“Whilst we are hoping that the restrictions will be lifted before the end of the season, with an opportunity to hold an open day, anyone wishing to have a roll up or wanting more information about joining the club should contact our secretary, Stuart Beard.”

The club, which was founded in 1914, is hoping that the coronavirus regulations will soon be less restrictive, and members are looking forward to getting some competitive games played in August and September. Planning is already in place for the 2021 season.

The club is off Hillcroft, Anchor Road, Calne, and its season usually runs from April to September. Members compete in men’s, ladies’ and mixed leagues within Wiltshire.

In addition, there are various inter-club friendly matches, both in Wiltshire and with teams from other counties. There are also club and county competitions.

All you need to play is a pair of flat-soled shoes or trainers and your first three sessions, together with coaching if required, are completely free.

Due to the coronavirus restrictions, the regular club nights on a Tuesday have been cancelled.

To join the club, go



30th May 2020 Club Opening

The club officially opened for the season today, however for the next few weeks it will be just for social bowling, to get practice in.

The Gazette and Herald was in attendance today and as soon as a photograph is received it will be posted on this page.

In the meantime here are some photos from todays event, many thanks for the members who came up (socially distancing) to watch the event.

Yvonne sending down a wood, with Paul and Barry looking on
Nice tight head for the first woods down the green!
Many thanks to Siobhan (Gazette and Herald) for trying bowls, it reached the end of the rink, via the side ditch. It was her first ever attempt though, well done
Due to restrictions only a few people could be involved in the ‘getting ready’ of the club this year.
L to R – Bryan, Steve (legs) M, Martin G and Ley
Thanks to Barry for this picture, taken this evening.

22nd May Club activity – with social distancing!

Work continues to get the club ready for opening on the 30th May, it would appear that it is becoming the fashion for the men in the club to start sporting very fetching beards, will they survive the eventual return to normality – we shall see?

These 2 photographs shows the work yesterday, Bryan appears to have dropped his spare paint brush from his left hand, while Martin G is marking out the first side of a rink. Not sure what Barry was doing, hehe.

Your secretary spent his time putting notices up, let’s hope we can take them down soon.

Bryan and Martin
Barry supervising



Information for NON-MEMBERS regarding the opening of the club on Saturday 30th May at 11am

We have now been advised (by the CTC) that we can make places available to the public, therefore we are very happy to confirm that non-members are able to bowl under the same restrictions as members. We anticipate:

1) Experienced bowlers who just want a roll- up

2) Anyone  who wishes to know more about the great game of bowls and would be interested in joining the club

In both instances, they will be required to be accompanied by a club member and will need to give 48 hours’ notice. This can be done by contacting the club secretary, Stuart Beard

Telephone number and Email link are on our ‘Contact’ page on this website


May 30th – we will be opening the club again, its been a long winter!

We have now been given permission by Bowls England to open the rinks for bowling.  However this will not include competitive bowling and will be for  members only, open to just 6 bowlers playing on only 3 rinks at one time – rinks 1, 3, 5 or 2, 4, 6, with a maximum of 2 bowlers per rink

Details will be sent out to members shortly and there will be a booking system to eliminate disappointment.

The main clubhouse and both changing rooms remain closed but essential maintenance will continue, adhering to the 2 metre social distancing,  so please don’t shout at our maintenance manager (this happened recently whilst he was operating within Covid-safe guidelines, not a member I am glad to say)!

Plans are in hand in the hope that we can start a pairs competition if restrictions are further relaxed in July.

Work is continuing on the green as you can see below and advertising boards are now up.  A big thank you to Martin G and his team,who are now going to work on the ditches, as well as Ley who looks after the green/various bits of equipment.

It would also be wrong not to mention our sponsors, who have stuck with us, even though they have had their own problems. The club secretary would like to personally thank Pete at 3D computers in Chippenham for getting his PC back up and running – a pleasure to support you, Pete.

Margaret Wilkie 4th May 1942 – 30th April 2020

It is with a great deal of sadness that we advise you that Margaret passed away in the early hours of Thursday morning in hospital after contracting the Covid-19 virus.

Margaret was the widow of Jim Wilkie (Calne Bowls Club President 2011-13) and had been a great supporter of the club, helping to start and support the Jim Wilkie Memorial Day Trophy, which is played for by teams from neighbouring clubs on an annual basis. Unfortunately, she was not well enough to present the trophy in 2019, so her daughter Fiona deputised in her absence.

Margaret was always willing to volunteer to help with anything, and was also an active member of the WI, organising whist and skittles events.

Margaret joined the Calne Short Mat Bowls Club last year and soon became a very popular member, as well as a good bowler.

She will be missed by many and our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this difficult time, especially with the current restrictions.

Another step forward – our own letterbox at last !

We now have our own letterbox, thank you for yet another job done, it is appreciated Martin.

Whilst we haven’t moved we now have our own postal address.

Calne Bowls Club

off Hillcroft

Anchor Road


SN11 8DX



Calne Bowls Club Important Notice – 30th March 2020

Having now received all the documentation, we can now confirm that with effect 30th March 2020 Calne Bowls Club has become a Private Limited Company by guarantee, with Barry W as a Director and Stuart as Company Secretary, all members have been informed and also told the reasoning behind the change, namely that it was needed to allow the Calne Town Council to grant us the lease for the Bowls Club and enable it to grow.

With regard to the running of the club, nothing changes as the Articles of Association allow the Directors to delegate the responsibility of running the club to the current committee.

In these times of difficulty a good news story is always welcome and the Club is now on a firmer funding for an exciting future.

To all those who are reading this, we hope that you are keeping well and always remember we are just not a club but a family who will support each other when needed.

KEEP SAFE, see you on the green eventually.


Calne Bowls Club – Corona Virus

It was very sad today putting up the signs saying that the Club was closed until further  notice. Only greenkeeping and essential maintenance will be allowed, as this can be done by a single person.

There is spray and paper towels in the clubhouse for use to ensure areas are kept clean.

Bowls England have cancelled all National Competition and Bowls Wiltshire have cancelled all County Games until 1st July, this will be reviewed in June.

We as a club will be hoping to have Open Days later this year, whilst the Sponsors Day and Gala Day may also need to be moved to later this year