Category: <span>Bowling</span>

Club night 6th August 2019, a night with a difference!

Club night with a difference, several starts were born, but thanks to all that turned up as part of our major sponsors – Imagine Cruising – Marketing plan to show their involvement in the local community, as well as showing our Club to a wider public.

Here are the photos on the evening.

Thursday 25th July Neighbourhood assessment in the RHS South West in Bloom

Can’t believe it’s a year since we won an award, so it’s all hands to the pump to make our colourful club look even better for the judging day, I wonder if our flower bowler will make an appearance? The day dawned and it was one of the hottest days ever in the UK. The club was looking at its best as we awaited the judging party. The bowling lady had morphed into a scarecrow, happy to lend it to you Barry following next years grass seed sowing. They arrived at around noon and immediately liked what they saw. The judge had visited Calne Bowls Club a couple of years ago and gave the impression that he saw an improvement. We shall have to “wait and see”. After some discussion regarding his floral tie the judge went on to his next assignment and enjoyed scones and cream along with a glass of bubbly. Plenty of photos were taken and this is some of them.

Smart pavilion. Looks good.
That scarecrow again.
Whoops. That garland fooled no one Steve.
Judge looking like he means business

21st July 2019 2-30pm. Bowls Wiltshire

On Sunday we entertained a mixed team from Bowls Wiltshire, the game started at 2-30 pm, and progressed during the afternoon with much humour and chat, as well as excellent bowling. As usual the visiting team ran out winners although Calne managed to win 2 rinks.

A big thank you to all involved, particularly Pip, Ro and Gladys on the catering front and Martin G for arranging and last but not least June Corbett for getting a team together to visit us, lets hope for a return visit. Many thanks to all the Bowls Wiltshire players who gave up there time to visit us and raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society.

With apologies for the delay in the photographs, camera decided to give up the ghost at the very beginning, so thanks to those that have sent me their photo’s of the day.

The mingling of the great and good!
Casual chat before the game
Martin and David discussing tactics?
The arrivals
Spot the waver in the crowd
All set for the hungry hoards
Nothing like a good cuppa to start the day
Its good to see it flying again
Glad to see the shorts are Bowls England approved
One of the few occasions BW had to push the woods back.
General shot
Good to see the green in full use.

Gala Day 2nd June 2019

Well the day arrived at last and started well, with the Calne Bowls Club flag flying proudly over the green. There was a slight delay at the beginning that was soon overcome and the weather was pleasant and dry. Very soon all 7 rinks were busy , with the ladies in the pavilion serving up refreshments to keep the bowlers going. Rain was forecast between 12 and 2pm, however never trust the forecast and rain started about 11am, but this did not dampen the spirits – bowlers can cope with a little rain.

Novice teams from our main sponsors, Imagine Cruising, as well as sponsors 3D Computers of Chippenham, soon mastered the bowling technique and surprised some of the club teams, getting a few scalps along the way.

Break for lunch (provided by Upper Crust) followed by the Spider and a briefing for the Skips, led on to the afternoon with 8 teams in each league battling for the Trophy and the Plate.The rain then decided to get serious. Unfortunately we ran out of wet weather gear and umbrellas, but that did not deter some of the bowlers, who battled on in shorts and T shirts(note for next year – GET MORE WET WEATHER GEAR IN)!

The 2 finals were between 2 Winsley teams for the Trophy and Chippenham Park and Chippenham Town for the Plate.

As it was still raining the presentations took place in the Rec Club. Club Captain opened the proceedings, followed by Barry Wicks the Club Chairman. The Calne Town Mayor Robert Merrick then presented the majority of the prizes, whilst the Imagine Cruising Gala Shield was presented to Winsley by Ashley Royston (Imagine Cruising), The Jim Wilkie Memorial Memorial trophy was presented to Winsley by Margaret Wilkie’s daughter, Fiona.

Runner up for the Trophy was another Winsley team, whilst the best shot went to Ashley Royston for his straight down the middle ace.

Chippenham Park won the Plate league but in the play off Chippenham Town beat them so taking the winners’ Plate, and Chippenham Park were runners up.

The Mayor then wound up the proceedings by apologising for not bringing any good weather with him and hoped that everyone had had a good day albeit a wet one. He had enjoyed watching the games and said that the Council were looking forward to working with Calne Bowls Club over the next few years.

Start of the day with the flag flying
Onlookers in the pavilion, with Paul’s “Temple” to the right!
Could not resist taking this, 2 bowlers sitting it out!
One of the surprises of the day, the novice team from 3D Computing, turned out to be good bowlers, after a shaky start
Chippenham Town, still dry you will note
The Imagine Incredibowlers team made up of Ash, Nick and Neil
Martin G took this one, as he did most of the others, the footwear is unusual but suitable for the day
This is an all action shot, Jan let me know if you want me to edit this one!!
Getting ready to play the next round
Paul puzzling over another score card that didnt add up.
Pam and Martin, getting the Chips ready for the hungry bowlers, Pam also played and Martin was the photographer
This picture just about sums up most of the day
Who is worried about the rain when you have a drink handy
The Gala Day final between 2 Winsley teams and it’s still raining
The assembled throng waiting for the presentation to start
Ash getting the best shot trophy
Chippenham Park – League winners but Plate runners up in the play offs
Winsley Trophy runners up
Chippenham Town Trophy winners (with apologies for the slightly blurred picture, but Roger asked me to use his phone to take a picture as well, hope yours turned out better Roger)
The Imagine Incredibowlers team winning the Divine food vouchers
Winsley, with the Jim Wilkie Trophy presented by Fiona, Jim’s daughter.
Winsley the Gala Shield and Jim
Wilkie winners with Ashley
The Mayor making the closing speech, with Club Captain still working in the background, Chairman Barry looking on.



