Nearly finished all the preparation for the coming season, pictures from the 6th April work party, understand that there will be some more work being done on Tuesday 9th April, thanks to all who have given up their time, you can be proud of the results you have achieved.
6th April – More excitement at the club
Martha getting down to it

30th March – The Day
Well, approx 14 club members turned up and got stuck in. There will be a follow-up session to finish off the preparations and, as Martin G said, that will be Saturday 6th April at 10am. If you want to help please let Martin know so that he can allocate exciting tasks for you!
Thanks to all who turned up. There was plenty to eat and drink, thanks to those who brought consumables for the workers. Here are some pictures of some of the happy band (not everyone I would add, please accept my apologies if you are not featured). I would point out that Gladys was out doing ditch cleaning, as well as keeping the troops going with refreshments.
See you all on the 6th April