Calne Bowls Club

Quiz night 30th March 2022

The evening was a great success, thanks to Yvonne, Steve for setting the questions, Pip for the food, Rita for managing the raffle and finally to Les for being everywhere and setting up – washing up – setting out and compering when needed.

Many thank to all who turned up and made it so much fun, not only members but friends.

We managed to raise approx £200 for the club, ensuring that the event will be repeated.

Hear are some photos, with apologies as the camera has not ended it life!!!

Ladies Meeting Sat 26th March 2022

On Saturday 26th March the Ladies held there pre-season bowls meeting.

Babs Salter (Secretary) Bowls Ladies Wiltshire was invited to give a talk to our members on County games, and encouraged members to enter county competition’s.

The attendance was brilliant and members were all thanked for attending, and welcomed our new members who had joined the club.

We hope that all ladies will enjoy their full packed season of games whether it be friendlies, or league games.

Yvonne brought some samples of new the shirts and jackets, which the ladies all agreed that they will look good.

It’s not all about bowls!!

Our Club Secretary Les, and his wife Ange, will be taking part in a local production.  At our club we make no secret of our desire to be community involved so below are some pictures that speak for themselves……..

…….and tickets are still available – phone 07733 231735

Which is which though?

February 2022

So it’s the second month of the year, virtually all the fixtures for the coming season have been decided and are now shown on the Website.

Final confirmation of the green opening and public open days will be confirmed at the February committee meeting.

Good news for our Lady Captain Yvonne, whe has accrued the required points to be added to the BWL register of County players, well deserved.


Calne Festival of Lights 4th December 2021

This year this event had to be postponed due to the weather on the 27th November, however all being well it looks like the sun will be out tomorrow and Calne Bowls Club will be running its Tombola stall as usual.

We look forward to meeting as many of the public as possible and raise some funds for the club as we are looking to replace our 1947 pavilion which has served us well since 1947 I believe, if you know different please get in contact, always eager to get any historic facts about the club.

Well, the event took place and thanks to the support of the people of Calne we raised £475, well done.

Many thanks to all the members who have taken part in getting everything ready, in particular Yvonne and Steve McColl who did all the organising.

Annual Luncheon and Presentation Event October 24th 2021

  • This annual event took place at the North Wilts Golf Club, the set up and service was perfect as was the food, as we have always found in the past.
  • The guests of honour were Carl and Louise Burrows, Carl is the Strategic Director of Imagine Cruising, who have supported the club for many years and have given the club the financial base to progress as they have done.
    Here are the photographs –
    First are the room set up before guests arrival, followed by general pictures and then finally the presentations –



Tuesday 21st September Pat Watson Twilight Bowl

The format was introduced in 2018 at the suggestion f our then Ladies Captain Pat Watson.

It could not be run, due to COVID, in 2020, but the last time in 2019 it attracted 24 members, this year there was almost 50. The programme for the evening is simple –

5pm set up table and chairs on rink 1

5-30pm draw for rinks

6pm start

7pm Fish and chip arrive.

7-30pm set out fats and tea lights

7-45pm start bowling as the sun sets.

Now here are the photos, no descriptions needed as they are self explanatory.

And the following day the green appeared to be back to normal